Sport & Desistance
Sport has often been evidenced as an effective way to engage with even the most challenging and complex individuals caught up in a cycle of crime and imprisonment.
Why sport?
The power of sport if used appropriately can offer an alternative means of excitement and risk taking to that gained through engaging in offending behaviour. Another advantage of using the power of sport is the access to an increasing alternative social network and wide range of positive social role models.
The National Alliance of Sport for the Desistance of Crime will support a range of stakeholder’s ranging from the private, public, voluntary, community and social enterprise sector and will champion the power of sport as a tool for the prevention and the desistance from crime.
What is desistance?
“Desistance is about more than criminal justice. Desistance requires engagement with families, communities, civil society and the state itself. All of these parties must be involved if rehabilitation in all of its forms (judicial, social, psychological and moral) is to be possible”. How and why people stop offending: Discovering desistance.
Find out more about desistance and its meaning: Iriss Insights No 15.
What are we doing?
We facilitate a number of Positive Action Groups that convene a wide range of experts and explore the role of sport in tackling some of societies most complex issues. The groups are committed to action, as such a number of projects, events, symposiums and evaluation projects are in various stages of development.