Member overview
We officially launched NASDC in October 2015 to tackle the large-scale problems we face in the justice system in England and Wales. These problems include increased violence, a growing prison population and high levels of re-offending.
Despite our focus locally, we have received a growing range of people and organisations signing up to the NASDC from outside England and Wales. After many conversations with some of these members along with a range of international development agencies, we recognised the influence and impact of global crime and we all believe that by sharing learning globally, we can all be better at tackling crime locally.
Therefore we aim to increase our international membership base moving forwards along with opportunities for learning and collaboration.
By the end of May 2017, our membership had grown to 234 individuals and organisations across the following areas
- Rest of Europe 5 (2%)
- Rest of the world 19 (8%)
- England and Wales 201 (86%)
- Rest of the UK 9 (4%)
To be part of this global movement, Join for free now!!