The Steering Group (SG)
The SG provides leadership and promotes the aims of NASDC, it is Chaired by James Mapstone, Founder and Managing Director of 2nd Chance Group and Co-Founder of NASDC. The Secretariat is the Head of NASDC and Co-Founder Justin Coleman.
The SG also monitor, support and challenge the work of Positive Action Groups. The SG is made up of key stakeholders from government, sport, development, criminal justice and academia. Founding SG members include:
2nd Chance Group, Active Communities Network, Beyond Sport, Clinks, Comic Relief, English Football League, Public Health England, Family Lives, Ministry of Justice, National Offender Management Service, New Philanthropy Capital, Prisoners Education Trust, Royal Holloway University of London, Sported, Street Games, Tanayah Sam Associates, Unicef, University of Gloucestershire and Youth Justice Board.
All SG members become Strategic Partners of the NASDC.
Positive Action Groups (PAG’s)
PAGs comprise a wider range of experts, including more service users, community and front-line organisations. Together, we identify need and support service user engagement, consultation and the development of events, research and best- practice projects.
Current PAG’s include:
- Sport in Prisons
- Gangs, Violence and Extremism
- Early Intervention and Prevention
- Looked After Children in Prison
- Research, Evidence and Quality
All PAG members become Delivery Partners of the NASDC.
The Alliance provides a unique platform that convenes the best people, develops evidence-led solutions, advocates on behalf of the sector and supports sustainable development through policy, funding, learning and collaboration.
As a result, we manage projects that develop, test and evaluate best practice; enable further research and development for sport in criminal justice; build collaborations and partnerships; provide training and events; manage public relations and campaigns designed to raise awareness, improve public perception and build a future proposition for sport.
Our members are people and groups interested in and using sport to prevent offending or to rehabilitate offenders. Membership is free and we aim to provide support for members through an online platform and by sharing a range of resources, opportunities and information.
By growing our membership, we can provide a voice that helps to shape future policy and practice. We can also increase the opportunities for learning, collaboration and celebration of best practice, and make the case for future investment in tackling crime through sport.